Thursday, March 09, 2006

blog-worthy? you decide

I've been away for a while. I just don't feel I'm coming up with anything blog-worthy. I decided I would give you a few bits of my day.

1. I really like feeding Tally. I mix up a bottle of formula and then go into her room. If she's awake then I say, "Hello!" in a high pitched, baby friendly way. I am awarded with a wrinkled nose, curled tongue, wide mouthed, dimpled face, amazing smile. It makes my day. Then we snuggle up in the old lime green, velveteen chair, adding the pink chenille pillow for support. It is pure delight to hold close this warm and wiggly baby. Unless another family member joins us, it's usually quiet. It's her and me, snuggled close. Mmmm. Yummy!

2. Today at breakfast time I put on the Blues Brothers soundtrack and entertained Livy and Gunnar with my movements (you might call it dancing). Livy was soon doing her own dancing. I thought, "I should do this crazy music thing more often."

3. Peter hates cilantro. I LOVE it! Passionately. Just the smell of it thrills me. My friend Vonda HATES it. My friend Emily LOVES it. So maybe cilantro is one of those things, like curling your tongue - you either have a gene for it or you don't. ???


Lisa said...

I know what you mean about the "blog-worthiness" of things... but I definitely enjoyed your musings! If they could be called that.
1. Oh, to have a little baby in your arms... i loved that age of my niece and nephew... can't wait for Erin's little Jack to make his appearance!

2.Dancing or moving... i say, it makes no difference as long as they are entertained! :)

3. Oh yeah, and I LOVE cilantro too! I made fresh salsa this weekend and thought to myself, I think I really like the smell, too. So fresh.. mm.. and this weather has me in the spring fever fresh mode!

julie said...

oh, yes, of course this is blog worthy! i love to hear of daily life... it's such a picture into who you are.

(and i LOVE cilantro!)

Erin Bennett said...

People always say that cilantro is a definite "love" or "hate" thing, but I just "like" it. And not always or in everything. I do love the smell of it, though.
And your talk about feeding Tally makes me want to hold my boy!

Grandma and Grandpa Benson said...

I love cilantro . . . my husband doesn't . . .

I was dancing . . . or was it running in circles with my two year old grand-daughters yesterday . . . you know those smiles that your heart and head store as snapshots . . . the ones you can close your eyes and pull up anytime . . . well they were all over their faces . . . my heart aches with the fullness of them . . .

Ohhh yes! . . . Deo Gratias!

Tonya said...

I've been missing the "babiness" of my girls lately, sigh.

And cilantro...if there's a gene I must have gotten more than one!!